Members of Pütz Group
Accumation GmbH, Limburg-Offheim
Battery production machinery
(Production- and finishing)
- Lead acid batteries
- Lithium ion batteries
General machine engineering
Founded in 2009 as a branch of the Pütz Prozessautomatisierung GmbH,
outsourcing April 2016.
Bellaform GmbH, Gau-Algesheim (Mainz)
Plastics extrusion plants
- Mono and multi layer
- Pipes/profiles/tubes from Ø smallest
up to about 50 mm and corrugated pipes
up to Ø 58 mm
Shear roller mixing systems
for feedstock processing (MIM und CIM)
Founded in 1957, since July 2007
member of the Pütz Group.
FAMIX GmbH Pulheim (Cologne)
Machines and plants for the beverage production
- Mixers, deaerators, carbonators
- Batch mixers
- Process analyzers
- Tank washers and tank fillers
- Degas- and steam- installations
Founded in 1958, since 2023 member of the Pütz Group.
Hirscheider GmbH, Ellwangen
Endfinishing machines and centers
- Processing options such as spotfacing, chamfering,
turning round ends, centring, od-turning, tapping,
thread rolling, face millingMixers, deaerators, carbonators - Suitable for processing hydraulic cylinder tubes,
gear shafts, cam shafts, gear racks, crankshafts,
non rotationally symmetric components, etc.
Founded in 1978, since July 2013
member of the Pütz Group.
Innovision GmbH, Saarburg (Trier)
Industrial Image Processing
- Size testing
- Surface inspection
- Checks on presence/completeness
- Robot-led optical examination and inspection
- Self-learning testing systems with artificial intelligence
Founded in 1993, since June 2016
member of the Pütz Group.
Micro + Hega Surfaces GmbH, Kernen-Rommelshausen
Surfaces finishing technologies
- Abrasive flow machining
- Vibratory finishing
- Design and construction
of Abrasive Flow Machining machines - Contract Manufacturing
Industrial cleaning technologies
Since September 2014 member of the Pütz Group.
2020 Fusion HEGA Systems GmbH (founded in 1945)
+ Micro Surfaces GmbH (founded in 1992).
PMC Machinery Solutions s.r.o., Bratislava (Slovakia)
Machines and mechanical engineering
for the automotive and supplier industry
- One-purpose machines
- Control and test devices
- Conveying belts
Since 2004 location in Slovakia
and member of the Pütz Group.

Pütz Prozessautomatisierung GmbH, Saarburg (Trier)
Automation, control and regulation technology
- CAD electrical design (EPLAN 8)
- Switch cabinet construction
- Electrical assembly
- Software (all common manufacturers
- Control and regulation technology
- Networking with higher-level control systems / databases
1988 Start-up as a one-man show in Saarburg

RICO GmbH, Ellwangen
Machines for swing stopper bottles
- Swing stopper closing machine with Hygienic Design
- Swing stopper installation machine, swing stopper opener, swing stopper inspection machine, rubber seal changer, etc.
- Chamber pasteurizers
- Unpacking and packing machines
- RICO long-term bottle grippers
Founded in 1972, since June 2012
member of the Pütz Group.
Sampas + SilverCut GmbH, Kernen-Rommelshausen
Robot Systems + Automation Solutions
- Handling
- Deburring
- Milling
- Grinding
- Assembly
- Polishing
Founded in 1993, since April 2010
member of the Pütz Group.
Merger in January 2023 with SilverCut GmbH:
Sampas + SilverCut GmbH
Sampas + SilverCut GmbH, Mosbach-Neckarelz
Precision cutting machines
- Machines for cutting and assembling rails, rod materials, etc.
- Precision separator machines
- High performance dry cutting machines
- Machines for metallographic test cuts
- Machines for the steel and tube industry
Founded in 1924, since July 2018
member of the Pütz Group.
Merger in January 2023 with Sampas GmbH:
Sampas + SilverCut GmbH